According to Resolution No. 605, dated November 9,2022, the FRC registered and approved for trading 500,000 units of debt instruments worth MNT 50.0 billion issued by “Invescore NBFI” JSC, each with a par value of 100,000 and an annual coupon rate of 15-18%.
In the second tranche of the debt instrument, primary market trading orders of "Invescore Bond 2.0," with a total value of MNT 10.0 billion and an annual coupon rate of 18%, starts from December 19, 2022, through December 23, 2022, over the Mongolian stock exchange IPO system.
"Tavanbogd Capital" LLC is serving as the lead underwriter, and the order will be closed when the offering amount is 100% full.
Please click here to see the bond prostectus.