Norihiko Kato, Chief executive officer of "Golomt bank" JSC, which is registered in the first category of "Mongolian Stock Exchange" JSC, presented the operational and financial report for the first half of 2023 on August 23.
Golomt Bank made a net profit of MNT 78 billion in the first half of the year, with ROA (return on assets) 1.7% and ROE (return on equity) 18.5%.
Total assets increased by 2% to 9.2 trillion MNT
Total loans increased by 10% to 4.3 trillion MNT
Customer funds increased by 5% and reached 6.0 trillion MNT.
Highlights of the first half of 2023:
In cooperation with VISA Inc., Golomt Bank successfully introduced "Visa B2B Connect" service, a completely new and innovative payment network, to streamline foreign transfers. Out of total mortgage loan borrowers, 91% were covered by insurance and Mortgage loan market share 24%, Custodian banking market share 44%, and Credit card market share 43%.
The Big Loyalty program and National Savings campaigns, with high customer participation and high demand, were successfully continued.
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